Using Animation on Your Website?

Online Animation Services

Animation is not just senseless viewing pleasure. Under the right circumstances, it can be used to communicate sophisticated concepts on many levels. It can also be a great balance in a classroom where students who frequently have difficulty understanding or communicating have some form of media that allows them to see a whole new playing field.

Here are some surprising examples of less than conventional learning: 

Development of planning skills:

All animations require planning. As a time / art skill, you only have a certain amount of time (30 frames per second in video or 24 frames in film) to move an object from one place to another. You also need to decide whether this object needs to interact with another object and determine the next path.

Understand the action, reaction and consequences:

This leads to the determination of a short frame; a story in which there is a plot, a reaction and a consequence. It always gives the student that mad scientist’s brief amusement of having the power of creation in their hands. More importantly, they have the opportunity to choose outcomes and understand artistic choices and the consequences of life.

Online Animation Services

Understand physics:

Animation uses action and reaction, which are basic principles of physics. In addition, the concept of angles of reflection, gravity and acceleration in the action of objects and characters is implemented in an animation sequence.

Understand and communicate the behavior of materials:

Once you have an understanding of the physics of interactive svg, the next step is to visually represent the weight or behavior of a material. A good example is using a simple circle in a motion path. Because of its trajectory and speed, the circle appears to float across the screen like a balloon. Changing this path can make the same circle look like chewing gum or even like a ball of solid lead.

Understand and plan chaos: 

When the same circle turns into fireworks or an explosion, each new part has a random path. The concept of creating a random event is inherently counterintuitive. The student has to create a random event and plan a chaotic scene. It leads to the ability to work from a recent event like the scene of the accident.

Understand three-dimensional coordinates:

Because animation is a two-dimensional representation with a time coordinate, as early as the age of six the student is forced to literally graph information on a three-dimensional plane. The student learns complex mathematical concepts intuitively.

Understanding the basic concepts of computer programming:

In addition to understanding mathematical concepts, an animation sequence has literally the same sequential structure as a computer program. For example, each drawing can be represented as a line of code.